Sunday, January 29, 2006


I don't know what it is about the time 12:34, but I feel as if it is totemic in my life. There is the obvious asthetic appeal that the numbers are all sequential, but I think there is more to it than that. For some reason I seem to notice that time more than any other. I don't know what if anything it really symbolizes, but when I do notice that it is that time, I have an odd feeling come over me. As if something significant has just happened. Aren't the little games that the psyche plays interesting?


Anonymous said...

You are a fucktard.

Matthew Iverson said...

I always seem to notice 4:20. I know, it's immature, college-ish, and sort of damning to my character, but there it is. Now I can never run for public office.

IAmMonkeyBoy said...

Just for the record "anonymous" is Ray. I can hear you giggling as you comment. Ray, the word fucktard is such an eloquent way of putting it that I'm surprised that you don't use it more in your every day conversation.