Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Wow. I'm feeling more and more out of touch with the world around me. I'm at a lost to understand how anybody in their right minds could consider voting for Bush. How in the hell is this guy ahead in the polls?

Let's see here.

  • He's gone to war with a country that was on the brink of collapse and that posed no real threat to our security. Resulting in the deaths of over a thousand Americans, the deaths of some untold thousands, and a country that no doubt now harbors terrorist.
  • He's lowered taxes, while increasing our budget deficit. What's worse than a tax and spend Liberal? A don't tax and spend Republican. To me this is the most irresponsible thing to do. Let's run up a debt that we know that future generations will be paying for.
  • He's managed to alienate all but our closest allies, and squander what little good will that we may have had in the world.
  • He used his family's influence to avoid service in Viet Nam, but allows Kerry's service record to be attacked. You know what... Kerry may have exaggerated his record, but at least he had enough guts to not run away.
  • He and his attack dogs accuse Kerry of flip flopping on issues. Well, that better than stubbornly sticking to a policy even after it's proved itself to be completely ill conceived.

Gah. If Bush wins this election, I'm going to look for a new country.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Uneventful weekend

Mostly this was an uneventful weekend. Saturday I helped John move some of his moms stuff into storage, and then John, Chris and I went to the KC Irish Festival. There were several great bands including the Elders. We wandered around a while, and had a few beers. In the course of our wanderings I managed to run into Amanda. She's one of the organizers of the event, and a coworker of mine.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm watching The Work of Director Chris Cunningham . This is the second of the videos in this series that I've watched. He's responsible for creating some very amazing pieces of film. He's done videos for Aphex Twin, Madonna, Morchiba and Bjork. His vision is much darker than that of Michel Gondry. This movie stands in stark contrast to the other movie that I watched this weekend. If you ever have the chance to watch Starsky and Hutch,...... Don't. Granted I was a little drunk while watching it, but not so drunk that I couldn't see how horrible it was. So anyway, back to Chris Cunningham. This DVD is pretty cool in that it presents only his work, with an almost complete absence of commentary. While this is in some ways nice, because it allows you to experience the works in complete isolation and in their own right. However, also leaves you wondering what the hell he was thinking. What he does is so abstract. In any case his visual style is so stunning, that it might not be that important whether there is a meaning or not.